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The LGA's media office provides the national voice of local government in England and Wales on the major issues of the day for national, regional and local press.

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Childhood obesity figures – LGA calls for sugar tax to be devolved to councils

The soft drinks industry levy should be devolved to councils and targeted at the areas most in need, to help close the gap in child health inequalities and fight obesity.

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sexual health

‘Ten-year sexual health strategy needed’ – LGA on sexual and reproductive health services stats

Councils are working tirelessly to improve access to contraception and other sexual health services, including expanding online consultations, establishing dedicated women’s health hubs, and improving services for under-served communities.

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Coronavirus: School Academisation should be put on hold during pandemic - LGA

“We want to work with the Government to ensure that schools are given the support they need over the immediate term, and this includes urgently placing a temporary pause on academy conversions during this time.

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Two people sat at a table both with cups of tea

LGA on NAO report on drug related harms

Tackling the harm caused by illegal drugs is complex and it is too soon yet to tell if the 2021 Drugs Strategy has been a success or not

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LGA responds to Age UK survey on digital exclusion

Ensuring local services are as accessible as possible to everyone in their communities is important to councils

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LGA responds to Budget 2018

Councils continue to face huge uncertainty about how they will pay for local services into the next decade and beyond.

homelessness warrington

LGA responds to latest rough sleeping figures

“We are calling on the Government to build on this by using the Budget to adapt welfare reforms to protect families at risk of becoming homeless, and restore local housing allowance rates to cover at least the lowest third of market rents."

legs running behind a ball in a field

LGA responds to new childhood obesity figures

An unhealthy weight is not just a public health problem, it is everyone’s problem.

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photo of young man looking at the city below

LGA responds to Sajid Javid announcement on funding to tackle serious violence

Cllr Simon Blackburn, Chairman of the LGA’s Safer and Stronger Communities Board, responds to announcement by Home Secretary Sajid Javid of a £200 million fund to help target young people at risk of starting a life of crime and violence.

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Houses of Parliament against blue sky

LGA statement on Budget 2024

Ahead of the Budget, the LGA has made the case for government to address the cost and demand pressures, which have pushed many councils towards the financial edge.