Client Level Data in Practice, 5 December 2024

Partners in Care and Health (PCH) hosted a webinar aimed at Directors of Adult Social Services (DASSs) and other senior operational staff to provide an opportunity to find out more the Client Level Data (CLD) collection and derived metrics.

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On 5 December 2024, Partners in Care and Health (PCH) hosted a webinar aimed at Directors of Adult Social Services (DASSs) and other senior operational staff to provide an opportunity to find out more the Client Level Data (CLD) collection and derived metrics.

Thank you to everyone who joined us – at its peak we were just short of 100 attendees.

And a big thank you to: 

  • Pete Sidgwick, Director of Social Care and Support (DASS) at Warwickshire and chair of the National Strategic Data and Intelligence Network for chairing the webinar.
  • Colleagues from the Department for Health and Social Care (DHSC) for a thorough coverage of the development of CLD, its benefits and how it is being used nationally and locally including publication plans.
  • Louise Ford from Dorset Council, and Jonathan Cox from the London Borough of Newham for sharing their experience of drawing insights from local analysis and use of the Client Level Data.
  • All participants for engaging in the webinar and sharing their comments and experience!

The following is an edited transcript of the webinar which can be read alongside the Client Level Data in practice slidepack.

For any further information about the topics covered at the webinar please contact the PCH Research and Data Team at [email protected]