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Briefings and responses

On behalf of its membership, the cross-party LGA regularly submits to Government consultations, briefs parliamentarians and responds to a wide range of parliamentary inquiries. Our recent responses to government consultations and parliamentary briefings can be found here.

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Educational Excellence Everywhere White Paper

The LGA opposes both forced academisation and the transfer of significant powers relating to education to unelected civil servants.

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Social mobility | House of Lords

There is clear evidence that where people are born into or experience poverty, it significantly impacts on their life chances.

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Education and social mobility | Opposition day debate

Data shows that council-maintained schools receive better Ofsted ratings, and improve more quickly, than academy schools.

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Response to the Department for Education's stage two consultation on a Schools national funding formula

The LGA is deeply concerned about the ability of schools and councils to implement reductions in funding in the proposed one year of the ‘soft' funding formula in 2018-19.

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Response to the Department for Education’s stage two consultation on high needs funding formula and other reforms

The High Needs National Funding Formula (NFF) proposals will be in place for at least four years, according to the Stage 2 consultation documents. Therefore, it is essential that the NFF provides a robust and equitable method of funding provision and services for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities and vulnerabilities.

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Debate on school places and fair funding, House of Lords, Thursday 16 November 2017

LGA briefing on the House of Lords debate on school places and fair funding, Thursday 16 November 2017

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LGA - Debate on the role of education - House of Lords - 8 December 2017

Councils play a strong role in providing good school places, with 91 percent of maintained schools rated as Good or Outstanding by Ofsted, compared with 85 per cent of academies and 84 per cent of free schools.

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Home Education briefing, House of Lords, 24 January 2018

The majority of parents who home educate their children do a good job and work well with their local council to make sure that a good education is being provided. However, we are concerned that not all children are registered as home schooled, particularly where they have never joined the mainstream education system or they have moved to a new area. 

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LGA response to the DfE consultation 'Changes to the teaching of Sex and Relationship Education and PSHE'

The LGA supports the Government’s decision to make Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) compulsory in all secondary schools.

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