Resetting the relationship between local and national government. Read our Local Government White Paper

Local Government Association

We are the national voice of local government, working with councils to support, promote and improve

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Party conferences – autumn 2024

The LGA delivers a range of events over the party conference season, including debates and receptions on behalf of councils and our partners.

Cost of living: Health and wellbeing

This section outlines efforts being made by councils and other organisations to enhance people's health and wellbeing, on which the rising cost of living has impacted.

Cyber, digital, data, and technology (CDDaT) skills framework consultation findings

In March 2024, we conducted a consultation, in the form of a short survey, to gather views on the recently published draft skills framework for local government (the ‘skills framework’). The consultation sought respondents’ views on its usefulness overall, and the appropriateness and usefulness of its elements, whether any skills were missing, and which additional features they would find useful.

Politics and the political interface

The 'politics and the political interface' element of the local government chief executive role involves impartiality, guiding, politics, political parties, tiers of government, interface and overlaps.

Leadership Development

The 'leadership development' element of the local government chief executive role involves leadership, direction, culture, risk, control and safeguarding, teamwork and collaboration.

Continuous improvement

The 'continuous improvement' element of the local government chief executive role involves learning and curiosity, innovation, service re-design, digital and artifiical intelligence, performance, impact and results.

Public ethics

Public ethics include looking over ethical principles, practices and services.

Resource management

The 'resource management' element of the local government chief executive role involves budgeting, savings, investment, asset management, financial risk and prudence.