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Partners in Care and Health 

LGA and ADASS are Partners in Care and Health, supporting councils to improve the way they deliver adult social care and public health services; and helping Government understand the challenges faced by the sector.

LGA Adass

The Local Government Association and Association of Directors of Adult Social Services are Partners in Care and Health (PCH), working with other well-respected organisations.

PCH helps councils to improve the way they deliver adult social care and public health services and helps Government understand the challenges faced by the sector.

Read our latest bulletin

The programme is a trusted network for developing and sharing best practice, developing tools and techniques, providing support and building connections. It is funded by the Department of Health and Social Care and offered to councils without charge.

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We’re delighted to confirm that PCH is working with the Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE) to deliver a new programme of sector led improvement support for adult social care and public health services in councils.

Funded by the Department of Health and Social Care, the programme will continue to provide relevant, effective and innovative support that empowers councils, providers and staff to deliver high quality care that enables choice, control and independence for everyone.

Councils will benefit from the joint research, unique and extensive connections with partners at national and regional levels, and intensive subject matter expertise, knowledge and skills that our partnership will bring.

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