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Political groups

There are four political groups at the Local Government Association (LGA) – Conservative, Labour, Liberal Democrat and Independent – each supported by a group office.

The head of each group office is a member of the LGA Corporate Leadership team.

The work of the group offices includes:

  • advising and supporting group leaders, deputies and other office holders in the effective management of LGA political activity
  • influencing, liaising and networking with Government, shadow teams and party administrations
  • providing information and communication to and from political groups in councils, both active members and groups more generally
  • maintaining a watching brief over council performance and coordinating political intervention where and when necessary
  • helping sustain campaigns, policy and media
  • public affairs work.

The group offices oversee elections and membership of LGA Boards, Committees, Forums and Commissions, and act as a secretariat for the work of their group. More information about each of the groups can be found on their webpages.


Labour group

The LGA Labour group exists to provide a strong voice for Labour in local government and acts as a platform for ideas and discussion for all of those committed to an effective localist element to Labour politics and policies.


Conservative group

 The LGA Conservative Group exists to support Conservative councillors involved with the LGA by offering advice, research and policy support.


Liberal Democrats group

The Liberal Democrats group at the LGA plays a major role in the organisation. We are the persistent defenders of local democracy, arguing that what a local community can do for itself is best left to that community, without interference from central government.

LGA Independent Group logo

Independent group

The Independent group represents Independent, Green and smaller party councillors in England and Wales. It provides a voice at the national level and works within the LGA to ensure that the values and interests of its members are promoted.