Resetting the relationship between local and national government. Read our Local Government White Paper

The future of adult social care

Social care is not simply a set of services, it is about supporting people to live the lives they want to lead. It is used in every community when needed to enable adults of all ages to grow and sustain their wellbeing.

Care Act 10 years on banner

Everyone should be able to live the life they want to lead; to feel human.

In this way, social care is common to us all.

Our response to the Government's adult social care white paper

Our briefing sets out the LGA's response chapter by chapter of the Government's "People at the heart of care: adult social care reform white paper". While we fully support and endorse the positive framing of social care in the white paper, we question whether the funding set out matches the Government’s level of ambition. In November 2021, prior to the Government's publication, we published our four priorities for the white paper. 

We recognise that councils will have their own concerns and questions following the publication of the white paper and we want to ensure that our work best reflects those. Therefore, if there are points you wish to raise with us, please contact us at: [email protected]