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Eve Roodhouse to join LGA Strategic Leadership Team

Eve Roodhouse will be joining the LGA as Interim Director of Strategy and Reform.

Eve Roodhouse, currently Chief Officer, Culture and Economy at Leeds City Council, will be joining the LGA as Interim Director of Strategy and Reform. Eve currently leads a wide ranging portfolio covering everything from oversight of Leeds Museums and Galleries through to visitor economy, international relations, economic policy, employment and skills and business support.

Eve joined Leeds City Council in 2018 and since then she has spearheaded the delivery of the city’s Inclusive Growth Strategy introducing pioneering work in a range of areas including the Leeds Inclusive Anchors Network, the Social Progress Index and the delivery of their vision for innovation. Before joining local government, Eve worked at NHS Digital for 15 years on the delivery of complex and large scale IT change programmes including the first Prison Health IT system in England and the Child Protection Information Sharing Project – which included her working with the LGA.

Eve will be in post from 5 August for a period of 12 months.