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Hackitt review: LGA responds to final report

"Our immediate priority is to ensure that a fire like that at Grenfell never happens again, and to make certain the buildings which people live, visit and work in are safe today. It is therefore disappointing that Dame Judith has stopped short of recommending a ban on combustible materials and the use of desktop studies, both essential measures to improve safety."

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Responding to the final report of Dame Judith Hackitt’s review into building safety, Lord Porter, Chairman of the Local Government Association, said:

“The Grenfell Tower fire exposed a system for ensuring buildings are safe which is broken. Since the tragedy, the LGA has led calls for a review of building regulations and made the case for systemic change. It is good that Dame Judith’s report agrees that the current system is not fit for purpose and has set out a range of recommendations for its long-term reform.

“However, our immediate priority is to ensure that a fire like that at Grenfell never happens again, and to make certain the buildings which people live, visit and work in are safe today. It is therefore disappointing that Dame Judith has stopped short of recommending a ban on combustible materials and the use of desktop studies, both essential measures to improve safety.

“The Government should nevertheless act without delay to introduce a temporary ban on the use of combustible materials on complex and high-rise buildings and until we have a regulatory and testing system which is fit for the 21st Century. As the use and misuse of desktop studies has been at the heart of the problem, the LGA also remains clear that the use of desktop studies that attempt to approve safety compliance must also be banned.

“This would provide the clarity for building owners who need to know what they can use to replace dangerous cladding and insulation and immediately help keep buildings safer.

People need to be able to sleep safely at night in their homes. The tragedy at Grenfell Tower must never be allowed to happen again and councils are ready to play a leading role in making sure a new system of building regulation works.