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LGA responds to COVID-19 vaccination changes

It is clear that the success of the vaccination programme has allowed us to live with COVID-19. But the threat of new variants still remains a concern, particularly for those who are more vulnerable in our communities.

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Commenting on the Government’s announcement that the COVID-19 booster will be moved forward due to the new variant BA.2.86, Cllr David Fothergill, Chairman of the Local Government Association’s Community Wellbeing Board said:

“It is clear that the success of the vaccination programme has allowed us to live with COVID-19. But the threat of new variants still remains a concern, particularly for those who are more vulnerable in our communities.

“Councils and their directors of public health will again be doing all they can to work with NHS partners to support the take up of the booster vaccination rollout.

“As well as this, providers in the domiciliary care and care home sector are also being encouraged to communicate the benefits of the flu vaccine and COVID booster to care home staff, residents and those receiving homecare.

“If you are eligible, please do get vaccinated for flu and COVID-19 to protect yourselves and your families.”