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LGA responds to COVID-19 vaccine announcement

"Councils are ready to stand shoulder to shoulder with the NHS and are working closely with their health service colleagues in preparing for this unprecedented rollout, to ensure everybody receives this life-saving vaccine as soon as possible."

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Responding to the announcement of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine receiving regulatory approval, Cllr Ian Hudspeth, Chairman of the Local Government Association’s Community Wellbeing Board, said:

“This great news will come as a huge relief to so many people, including our residents who are vulnerable, alongside those who work on the frontline to support and protect them. It has provided a sense of renewed optimism about the future and the prospect of our normal way of life returning next year, but will take some time to implement.

“Councils are ready to stand shoulder to shoulder with the NHS and are working closely with their health service colleagues in preparing for this unprecedented rollout, to ensure everybody receives this life-saving vaccine as soon as possible.

“Local knowledge and expertise will be crucial in encouraging everyone from all parts of the community to get vaccinated. Councils’ unique relationship with the people they represent mean they are best placed to reach out to those in the priority groups and beyond.

“Care home residents and their carers are at the top of the priority list and it is absolutely vital that they receive this vaccine as soon as possible, as part of our collective efforts to finally defeat this disease.”