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LGA responds to CQC pilot adult social care assessment results

“This is an important moment for adult social care, a lot of work from across the sector has gone into the preparation and execution of these assessments. "

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Responding to the results of the pilot CQC assessments of councils adult social care departments, Cllr David Fothergill, Chairman of the LGA’s Community Wellbeing Board said: “This is an important moment for adult social care, a lot of work from across the sector has gone into the preparation and execution of these assessments. 

“We want to thank the councils who put themselves forward for this pilot programme and ensuring other councils can be ready and supported as the assessments progress. It is clear CQC has taken valuable learning from the process and is committed to improving their approach for full rollout.

“The LGA will meet with the pilot councils to understand their views on their indicative rating as we move into full rollout.”