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LGA responds to government measures on plastic recycling

Cllr Martin Tett, Local Government Association Environment spokesman, responds to the Government’s proposals to increase plastic recycling, including a deposit scheme for plastic bottles.

“This is a hugely positive step by the Government and has the potential to revolutionise how we recycle. It is particularly encouraging that the Government has recognised the LGA’s previous calls and the responsibility that producers have in mitigating the impact of plastic on the environment.

“We’ve long called for industry to get around the table with us to reduce the amount of unrecyclable material in packaging, and prevent it from entering the environment in the first place. We encourage them to take the opportunity of this consultation to do so. 

“If these proposals are to be a success, it’s essential that they work alongside kerbside recycling and are not seen as an alternative to it. The forthcoming consultation should ensure that these new proposals do not impact on local recycling.

“With various pressures affecting kerbside recycling, from China’s recent decision to not take waste from this country to funding pressures affecting all of local government, this consultation is an opportunity to renew our relationship with recycling and ensure kerbside collections are put on a firm financial footing.”