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LGA responds to Government's 25-year Environment Plan

Responding to the launch of the Government’s 25-year Environment Plan, Cllr Martin Tett, the Local Government Association’s Environment spokesman, said:

“We support the Government’s ambition to tackle the scourge of unnecessary plastic waste.

“Councils have asked repeatedly for manufacturers and retailers, who both choose to produce and stock packaging which isn’t easily recyclable, to get around a table with us and work together to explore solutions to this problem.

“What we need is packaging that is easily recyclable – this would not only make waste disposal easier for our residents, but save considerable amounts of money and energy, whilst protecting our environment.

“Producers need to switch to recyclable items so that plastic clogging up our environment becomes a thing of the past.

“We want to work with supermarkets and manufacturers so that we avoid having unrecyclable waste in the first place, and would urge them to switch to recyclable packaging where possible.”