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LGA responds to government’s Net Zero Strategy

"As leaders of local communities, only councils can mobilise and join up the collective action to achieve net zero in our villages, towns, and cities, and are able to impact on more than a third of local emissions through housing, transport and the natural environment."

Responding to the Government’s Net Zero Strategy announced today, Cllr David Renard, the Local Government Association’s environment spokesperson, said:


“As leaders of local communities, only councils can mobilise and join up the collective action to achieve net zero in our villages, towns, and cities, and are able to impact on more than a third of local emissions through housing, transport and the natural environment.


“We are pleased the strategy recognises the importance of local government in delivering net zero and we look forward to working with the Government through the Local Net Zero Forum to ensure all places have the powers and resources to reduce carbon emissions.


“We are calling on the Government to follow today’s announcement by using next week’s Spending Review to begin work with councils and businesses on a national fiscal and policy framework to address the climate emergency. This will enable councils to deliver green local infrastructure projects, which our research has shown could generate 1.1 million local green jobs by 2050.”