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LGA responds to homelessness funding 

“Extra funding to support people sleeping rough is crucial to maintain the success of 'Everyone In' this winter."

Responding to the Government announcement of an additional £66 million to support rough sleepers over the winter, Cllr Darren Rodwell, housing spokesperson for the Local Government Association:

“Extra funding to support people sleeping rough is crucial to maintain the success of “Everyone In” this winter. In the longer-term, it is important that there is a stronger focus on investment in homelessness prevention and a cross-departmental plan to tackle homelessness. This will allow councils to do more to help people avoid reaching crisis point and reduces the demand for emergency responses. 


“Fundamental to this is also the sufficient provision of high-quality, sustainable, affordable homes. As part of this, councils need to be given the powers and resources to deliver a house-building programme of 100,000 social homes for rent each year.”