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LGA responds to latest test and trace figures

Cllr Ian Hudspeth responds to the publication of the latest NHS Test and Trace and coronavirus testing figures

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Responding to the publication of the latest NHS Test and Trace and coronavirus testing figures, Cllr Ian Hudspeth, Chairman of the Local Government Association’s Community Wellbeing Board, said:

“Rising coronavirus cases across the country mean that we all now, more than ever, have a responsibility to get ourselves tested when needed and for sharing our contacts on request.

“These latest figures prove again that councils’ public health teams, with their unique expertise and understanding of their communities, have more success in reaching complex close contacts of positive cases, where NHS Test and Trace has been unable to do so.

“Many councils have or will shortly launch their own locally-supported contact tracing arrangements. To build upon these local efforts and reduce the spread of infection, councils need clearer, more precise information on who they should be trying to contact as soon as possible.

“This should include details such as occupation and workplace, working with police and others to share local intelligence, alongside the right resources including funding and recruiting extra personnel to work on the ground and respond quickly to outbreaks.”



NHS Test and Trace and coronavirus testing statistics 24-30 September:

Councils in England face a funding gap of more than £5 billion by 2024 to maintain services at current levels - this figure could double amid the huge economic and societal uncertainty caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The LGA’s detailed submission to the Comprehensive Spending Review  sets out how £10 billion is needed to not only plug this gap but meet growing demand pressures and improve services for communities.