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LGA responds to NAO report into effectiveness of Government’s Kickstart Scheme

“To ensure employment and skills programmes are as effective as they can be in future, councils and combined authorities should be placed at the heart of delivering a coherent and local offer building on their proven track record of delivering similar services and support.”

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Responding to a report by National Audit Office into the effectiveness of the Government’s Kickstart Scheme, Cllr Kevin Bentley, Chair of the Local Government Association’s People and Places Board said:

“Councils and combined authorities got right behind the Kickstart Scheme to create as many opportunities for young people locally. They convened and engaged partners, helped to provide hands on support to local businesses wanting to play their part in the scheme, while also creating placements within their own workforces, and using youth hubs to engage with young people.

“To maximise the success of the programme, referrals should have been opened up to those not in receipt of Universal Credit and 16 and 17 years olds. A more collaborative approach to developing Kickstart – bringing together national and local government, employers, and providers – would also ensure a more localised offer can be developed, incorporating choice for young people, wrap around support to ensure uptake and completion rates, and progression routes developed for young people after the placement ended.

"To ensure employment and skills programmes are as effective as they can be in future, councils and combined authorities should be placed at the heart of delivering a coherent and local offer building on their proven track record of delivering similar services and support.”