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LGA responds to National Children’s Bureau report on early help for vulnerable children

“Councils stand ready to work with government to ensure no child is left behind as we recover from the pandemic and have called for a cross-Whitehall strategy to improve children’s lives and put children at the centre of our COVID-19 recovery."

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Responding to a report by the National Children’s Bureau on the early help available for vulnerable children, Cllr Anntoinette Bramble, Chair of the Local Government Association’s Children and Young People Board, said:

“As this report highlights, support for children and families goes far beyond the remit of children’s services. Councils stand ready to work with government to ensure no child is left behind as we recover from the pandemic and have called for a cross-Whitehall strategy to improve children’s lives and put children at the centre of our COVID-19 recovery.

“Rising demand for support and funding pressures have meant that councils have been forced to divert limited resources away from preventative services and into support for children most at risk. By reinstating the £1.7 billion lost from the Early Intervention Grant since 2010, the Government could ensure councils can help children and families earlier, rather than waiting for problems to reach crisis point.”