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LGA responds to UKHSA climate change warnings

“It’s clear from this stark report that climate change could have a serious impact on the health of our local communities.

Responding to a report by the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) warning of the effects of climate change on health in the UK, Cllr David Fothergill, Chairman of the Local Government Association’s Community Wellbeing Board said:

“It’s clear from this stark report that climate change could have a serious impact on the health of our local communities.

“These changes include a much greater risk of flooding, extreme heat and the spread of vector borne diseases transmitted by organisms such as ticks and mosquitoes. 

“This report shows that many people could be affected by extremes of weather in our communities. The impact of climate change on individuals will vary, with the worst effects on disadvantaged and vulnerable populations, which could widen health inequalities further.

“Despite the best efforts of councils we know climate change will intensify into the future and councils are concerned that people and places will be left increasingly vulnerable without further preparation. They need further support to prepare their communities for impacts of climate change before it is too late.”