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LGA statement on Council Climate Action Scorecards

“Net zero is a complex transition, bringing very unique and interconnected challenges and opportunities to every place."

Responding to Climate Emergency UK's Council Climate Action Scorecards, Cllr Darren Rodwell, Environment spokesperson for the Local Government Association said:

“As leaders of their communities, local government has a fundamental role to play in tackling climate change.

“Net zero is a complex transition, bringing very unique and interconnected challenges and opportunities to every place. We don’t support league tables as they often paint a two dimensional picture of the context that councils are working within, and unfairly compare councils with different challenges.

“Councils are already leading the way in transitioning to net zero and are ambitious to do more.  Government needs to empower local climate action that can hit targets, mobilise support, and deliver on the evidence showing local approaches can save hundreds of billions.”