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Spending Review 2021: LGA responds to announcement on public health funding

“It is essential that councils have the capacity, workforce and funding to stand up locally-driven testing and contact tracing as soon as possible, to be able to respond swiftly to any future outbreaks or public health emergency.”

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Responding to the Spending Review announcement on public health funding, Cllr David Fothergill, Chairman of the Local Government Association’s Community Wellbeing Board, said:

“Councils with their public health responsibilities play a key role in keeping people healthy and well throughout their lives, reducing pressure on the NHS, social care, criminal justice and the benefits system.

“No increase in public health funding, despite this incredibly challenging period, runs contrary to addressing the stark health inequalities exposed by COVID-19 and levelling up our communities.

“As we approach winter, councils also need to have the resources in place to deliver their parts of the ongoing COVID-19 response programme and look forward to receiving confirmation of their funding allocation, working with the UK Health Security Agency and other partners.

“It is essential that councils have the capacity, workforce and funding to stand up locally-driven testing and contact tracing as soon as possible, to be able to respond swiftly to any future outbreaks or public health emergency.”