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The LGA's media office provides the national voice of local government in England and Wales on the major issues of the day for national, regional and local press.

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Pile of money (pounds sterling) including notes and coins

LGA responds to IFS report on Levelling Up funding

Cllr Andrew Western, Chair of the Local Government Association’s Resources Board has responded to an Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS) report which states how public service funding cuts is putting the Levelling Up agenda in danger.

town hall

Council cost pressures – a comment piece by Cllr James Jamieson

"Inflation is not going to come down overnight; reserves can only be spent once; a local service cannot be cut twice."


LGA responds to Growth Plan

“Local government has great ambition to get on with the job of building homes, creating jobs, supporting businesses and investing in new infrastructure. However, massive increases in costs due to spiralling inflation and National Living Wage rises risk undermining those ambitions, by forcing councils to cut local services to meet their legal duty to balance the books."

three gas hobs burning

Councils respond to Energy Bill Relief Scheme

“The inclusion of councils in the Government’s six-month energy price guarantee announced today is a positive step which should help mitigate against some of the extra pressures councils face this year as a result of spiralling energy costs."

Street lights against a pitch black sky

Councils warn of spiralling cost of street lighting and pothole repairs due to increasing energy cost and inflation

Councils are facing massive increases in costs due to spiralling inflation and the increase in energy costs, the Local Government Association (LGA) are warning today.

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five pound notes rolled up

LGA statement on UKSPF allocations

“By making the most of every pound of investment, we can achieve our shared ambition of giving every part of the country the chance to flourish.”

A pound coin on a table

LGA statement on Spring Statement 2022

“As the impact of cost-of-living concerns grow, the mainstream benefits system will need to provide the first line of support for people so that councils and local partners can concentrate their limited resources on helping those who need tailored and additional help."

Pound coins

LGA statement on final Local Government Finance Settlement

“With future years looking challenging, it is crucial that local services have a long-term, sustainable future which gives councils certainty over their funding."

LGA statement on Treasury cost of living measures

“We want to work quickly with government to clarify the details of this funding. To ensure it can be distributed as quickly as possible, we would urge it to be added to existing discretionary council schemes."

five pound notes rolled up

LGA statement on IFS report on impact of COVID-19 on council finances in 2020/21

“Councils continue to lead their local communities through the pandemic. Extra government funding and support provided to date has been crucial and it is important that government continues to monitor the situation, providing vital support to councils when needed.”