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The LGA's media office provides the national voice of local government in England and Wales on the major issues of the day for national, regional and local press.

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Councils respond to £1 billion business support package

“We are pleased that a further £102 million has been announced for the Additional Restrictions Grant. Councils will look forward to accessing this as soon as possible to ensure as many businesses in their area can benefit as possible.”

A five pound note

LGA responds to provisional Local Government Finance Settlement

"Only with adequate long-term resources, certainty and freedoms, can councils deliver world-class local services for our communities, tackle the climate emergency, and level up all parts of the country"


Councils respond to 2021 Spending Review and Autumn Budget

“We are pleased that today’s Spending Review has provided new government grant funding for councils over the next three years to support vital local services. This will help meet some – but not all - of the extra cost and demand pressures they face just to provide services at today’s levels."

Typical British street in dimmed lighting with shops and cafes down the high street

Local leaders call for long term funding certainty for councils in Spending Review

“Investing in local places is in the national interest and one of the most powerful tools of the levelling up agenda. We call on the Government to ensure that the Spending Review provides both long term certainty and greater levels of funding for local councils.”

Shoppers walking through a bustling high street 1000x500

LGA: Local services will cost at least £8bn more by 2024, which cannot be funded by council tax alone

“If we are to come out of this pandemic with a society that is truly levelled up, the vital services that councils provide must be at the heart of it."

small town high street in rural England

LGA responds to new £1.5 billion business rates relief fund

“We are pleased the Government will provide councils with funding to offer grant relief to businesses which have been hard hit by the COVID-19 pandemic and seen their circumstances change due to the effects of the pandemic."


Councils respond to Budget 2021

“Public finances are undoubtedly under huge strain but investment in our local services will be vital for our national economic and social recovery."

An empty town high street with a coronavirus interactive poster in the street

LGA statement on lockdown business grant funding

“Councils continue to work tirelessly to support communities and businesses through this crisis. This includes distributing more than £11 billion to 880,000 small businesses through previous grant schemes last year."

A five pound note

LGA responds to provisional 2021/22 Local Government Finance Settlement

"More than 85 per cent of the potential core funding increase next year is dependent on councils increasing council tax by up to 5 per cent next year."

lady with bright umbrella delivering a food parcel

LGA responds to £170m COVID-19 winter funding package details

“This new funding is good news to help councils continue to support those facing hardship and councils look forward to working with the DWP on the detail and logistics so links can be made with the wider welfare system."