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Person drawing on care sat at a table with a mug of tea and papers looking at smiling care worker

LGA responds to County Councils Network and Newton report

“Potential underfunding of these reforms would only exacerbate pre-existing significant pressures, which the reforms – and the funding for them – do nothing to address."

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Elderly man using a mobile phone

LGA responds to government guidance on the Fair Cost of Care

"Adult social care is facing a funding gap for current services, increasing each year due to inflation and other costs even with these reforms fully funded. This is without considering the immediate need to address unmet and under met need on these overburdened systems."

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Carer taking an elderly woman in a wheelchair for a walk

Sector leaders call for action on social care workforce

National adult social care organisations have come together to call for a co-produced, national workforce strategy alongside action to improve terms and conditions.

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Person who has been helped by OPE housing smiling sitting with his carers

LGA responds to The King's Fund report on adult social care

“Social care remains under enormous strain to recruit and retain high quality staff when faced with pay issues, unmet need within the sector and pressures on provider fee levels. Considering the limits that adult social care has been working within over the pandemic, it’s positive to see that the report finds that “service quality held up quite well”.

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Older white man hugging a younger white boy who has learning disabilities, they are both smiling

Councils could face budget blackhole amid growing concerns about underfunded adult social care reforms

As councils plan budgets for next year, concerns are growing that the Government’s reforms to adult social care are underfunded and risk their implementation as well as exacerbating existing pressures, the Local Government Association is warning.

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A carer and relative

LGA responds to Carers Trust report

“The Government needs to do more to help unpaid carers who are the backbone of care and support and provide invaluable support to their loved ones.”

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Snow on branches

LGA responds to DHSC announcement on package to protect care sector this winter

“Councils and care providers have done an incredible job throughout the pandemic and continue to do all they can to support and protect those in their care.

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LGA responds to adult social care reform white paper

Responding to the publication of the Government’s white paper on adult social care reform, Cllr David Fothergill, Chairman of the Local Government Association’s Community Wellbeing Board, said: “This much-anticipated white paper sets out a positive vision for the future of adult social care and it is right that it has been co-produced with and alongside people who draw on care and support. It is also encouraging to see the Care Act is the foundation upon which these reforms will be built, particularly the emphasis on housing, greater recognition of the workforce and skills, and prevention

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Elderly woman preparing food

LGA responds to ADASS snap survey of state of adult social care

This insightful report on what social care directors are facing on the ground and what actions they want to see makes essential reading for government.

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LGA responds to CQC State of Care report

“The Spending Review and forthcoming white paper must set out how immediate and short-term pressures in social care will be addressed, involving councils, care workers and those with lived experience, if we are to build back better and develop a care and support system fit for the future.”

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