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The LGA's media office provides the national voice of local government in England and Wales on the major issues of the day for national, regional and local press.

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LGA responds to Spending Review

“Overall, the Spending Review provides more certainty for councils next year but the long-term outlook remains unclear. Public finances will undoubtedly be under huge strain in the years ahead but investment in our local public services is critical to our national recovery next year and beyond."

LGA responds to reports of public sector pay freeze

“It is critical that that the Government uses the Spending Review to provide significant investment so councils can continue to support their employees as much as possible and recruit and retain the staff needed to provide the local services that are delivered every day by our hard-working staff, alongside care workers and NHS colleagues.”

Calculator and a pen resting on some documents

LGA - Record numbers claiming council tax support

More than 2.5 million working age people across England claimed a discount on their council tax between April and June this year - the highest number since records began in 2015.


LGA statement on COVID-19 business grant scheme

"It is councils who are leading local efforts to support communities and businesses through this crisis."

Pound coin on black background

LGA responds to Treasury one-year Spending Review announcement

“It is hugely disappointing that councils will only get a one-year funding settlement for the third year in a row."

A finance tracker notebook with pen

"Fragmented" short-term government grants poor value for money, councils warn

Councils in England have seen their core funding from central government reduce by £15 billion in the last decade. In recent years, they have seen a rise in the number of short-term, ringfenced, small grants they receive annually from government departments and agencies.

Open jar of money

£10 billion Spending Review investment needed to protect and improve local services

The LGA has used its submission to set out the need for the Chancellor to use the CSR to provide an additional £10.1 billion per year in core funding to councils in England by 2023/24.

20 pound notes

£1 billion loss to local economies if COVID-19 grant schemes closed

“Shutting the discretionary scheme would be a mistake by the Government at this time. Councils need more time and flexibility to ensure as many businesses can benefit from this funding."


Spending Review launched – LGA statement

Securing the long-term sustainability of local services must be the top priority."


EU money which could help nation recover from COVID-19 risks going back to Brussels - LGA

More than £730 million in vital EU cash which could help local communities bounce back from COVID-19 risks going unspent and being sent back to Brussels if the funding is not allocated by the Government before the end of the year, councils warn today.