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The LGA's media office provides the national voice of local government in England and Wales on the major issues of the day for national, regional and local press.

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LGA: Failure to act on social care in Queen’s Speech will be ‘bitter blow’, say councils

"All of us in local government, across the political divide, want to see the Queen’s Speech finally set out the plans we have been waiting for and make good on the Prime Minister’s promise to ‘fix social care’, once and for all."

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LGA responds to NAO report on the adult social care market

“The Government should urgently bring forward its proposals on the future of adult social care, including a timetable for reform, as soon as possible and before the summer parliamentary recess.”

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Carer taking an elderly woman in a wheelchair for a walk

LGA responds to Supreme Court ruling on sleep-in shifts

"Had the appeal been upheld, care providers and councils providing social care would have faced massive bills, which would have increased the huge financial pressures they are already facing."

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LGA responds to extra social care funding announcement

Extra funding support for social care has been crucial in our battle against COVID-19. This also needs to be followed by a long-term, sustainable settlement for adult social care.

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LGA responds to HCLG Committee inquiry launch into adult social care funding

“This cross-party inquiry will be another important contributor to how we can sustainably pay for social care services, which have been seriously impacted by the pandemic but also affected by decades of delayed reforms by successive governments of different political colours.”

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Woman wearing PPE mask

LGA responds to Public Accounts Committee report on procurement and supply of PPE

“Social care deserves parity of esteem with the NHS, including on future PPE supply and infection control measures. Frontline health and care workers should receive all the appropriate protective equipment they need.”

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A resident at a care home sits by the window

LGA responds to increased care home testing announcement

“Social care staff have been on the frontline throughout this pandemic and rightly deserve all the protections they need to continue to doing their incredible work."

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A carer and relative

LGA responds to Spending Review social care and public health announcements

Responding to announcements about adult social care and public health in today’s Spending Review, Cllr Ian Hudspeth, Chairman of the Local Government Association’s Community Wellbeing Board, said: “The coronavirus crisis has demonstrated the crucial value of councils’ adult social care and public health services. “Extra funding for children’s and adult social care will help address some short-term pressures, but we need a clear plan on the future of care and support and how we pay for it, which recognises low pay in the adult social care workforce and finally delivers parity of esteem with

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Carer taking an elderly woman in a wheelchair for a walk

LGA responds to weekly testing of homecare workers

"Homecare workers have not been able to access the same level of testing as their colleagues working in care homes, so this announcement should redress this balance. The further rollout of these tests to live-in carers and personal assistants also needs to happen as quickly as possible."

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Older man, sat in a chair at home

LGA responds to Centre for Ageing Better’s ‘State of Ageing 2020’ report

Responding to the Centre for Ageing Better’s ‘State of Ageing in 2020’ report, Cllr Ian Hudspeth, Chairman of the Local Government Association’s Community Wellbeing Board, said: “This latest report is another important warning that the impact of coronavirus could have far reaching consequences for everyone, from all ages and backgrounds. “Councils play a crucial role in improving and maintaining their residents’ health and wellbeing, including for older people. During this incredibly difficult period, councils want to continue doing all they can to ensure our older people have access to the

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