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LGA responds to CQC report on rise in detentions under Mental Health Act

“There needs to be a re-focus in mental health policy away from medicalisation and mental ill health to prevention, early intervention and mental wellness."

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LGA responds to review of Mental Health Act

"It’s good to see mental health finally getting the attention and profile that it deserves and this report has rightly focused on the input of people who have been directly affected by the Act."

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LGA responds to latest ONS figures on suicides in the UK

Cllr Ian Hudspeth, Chairman of the LGA’s Community Wellbeing Board, responds to the latest ONS figures on suicides in the UK.

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LGA responds to Theresa May's announcement on mental health and suicide

"Suicide prevention is a high priority for councils, which already provide a range of vital services that support the health and mental wellbeing of our communities."

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Young woman in an alleyway

Response to independent review on Mental Health Act

“It’s good to see mental health finally getting the focus that it deserves. The report makes some important recommendations about how to bring the Mental Health Act up to date and give people a stronger say in their treatment. It’s positive that the review listened to local government and recognises the role of community mental health services in preventing people from reaching crisis point in the first place. “The LGA has consistently called for a re-focus in mental health services away from medicalisation and treating mental ill health to early intervention and support for recovery through

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LGA responds to Prime Minister's announcement on mental health

To achieve true parity of care between mental and physical health, we need a root and branch overhaul of mental health services, which focuses on prevention and early intervention, particularly for children and young people.

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LGA responds to suicide prevention plans report

Every suicide that takes place is a tragedy and it’s everybody’s business to work together to tackle this tragic loss of life and support all of those affected by it.

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LGA and NALC join forces to tackle loneliness

"Working together and toward a common goal we can build connected communities equipped and resourced to respond effectively to a wide range of needs.”

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Sad man on sofa

LGA responds to latest suicides statistics

"Suicide prevention is a public health priority for local government and every council has a suicide prevention plan in place. Councils are already working closely with schools, railway operators, businesses, hospitals and the police to prevent suicide and help those affected by it."

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LGA responds to latest suicide statistics and reports

 “Every suicide is a tragedy and it is worrying that today’s analysis has shown particularly high rates among males and in certain age groups, including a long-term increase in under-25s."

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