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Bolsover's Low Carbon Housing Action Plan

From 2021, Bolsover District Council (BDC) have installed External Wall Insulation (EWI) to their social housing. (LAD1b – EWI to 81 properties, and LAD2 - EWI to 54 properties). These installations are future proofed to enable future funding to be accessed for further measures.

This case study is a part of the LGA's Regional Retrofit Action Planning programme

Our low carbon journey to date 

Since 2021 we have installed External Wall Insulation (EWI) to Bolsover District Council (BDC) social housing. (LAD1b – EWI to 81 properties, and LAD2 - EWI to 54 properties). These installations are future proofed to enable future funding to be accessed for further measures.

In 2022, we identified a remote estate with a low efficiency heating system. We replaced this with air source heat pumps. This has made the heating systems at these properties up to four times more efficient.

The council also entered a 4 year (£25,000 per year) retrofit cavity wall insulation contract to upgrade the energy efficiency of social housing per year across the district.

We have established relationships with public and private sector partners (MNZH, NEDDC, D2N2, DCC, SBS, EEM, Marches Energy Hub and other Council departments) to access funding streams, share knowledge and enable delivery.

We have attempted to facilitate the installation of low carbon measures on inefficient private sector housing stock in the BDC district. Due to funding criteria constraints and low private sector uptake, we have been unable to progress this, but we are looking at other funding streams.

Where are we now?

We have:

  • identified a need for future retrofit throughout the district
  • identified our data (some is held and will need to be reviewed for accuracy) to be ready for delivery.
  • established the Low Carbon Thematic Group which identifies our corporate goals to achieve net zero across our various activities including our housing stock
  • actively engaged with stakeholders, giving feedback to highlight our success and challenges to improve future schemes.


  • no future allocated budget
  • limited staffing levels
  • data in need of review
  • difficult to meet funding criteria (we have approximately 50% of our 5,000 social housing properties below EPC rating C)
  • low interest from private owners.

The way forward?

In order to continue energy improvement installations, we have identified the following actions:

  • either obtain grant funding or commit 100% funding from internal budget
  • employ suitably qualified staff to deliver schemes
  • review the accuracy of our data
  • seek to influence funding providers and stakeholders
  • improve our advertising to encourage private and social residents to engage in the carbon reduction conversation and so be persuaded to make retrofit changes
  • maintain partnerships
  • create pockets of shovel ready schemes categorised by: Type, Location, Funding Criteria etc.

How will we review our progress?

To monitor our progress in terms of improving the energy efficiency of Bolsover district’s housing stock we intend to:

  • set SMART targets
  • carry out post project evaluation and feedback learning into future projects.