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Delivering modern services for local people | London Borough of Brent, Northwick Park

The Brent Partnership brings together four partners, with the aim of delivering private and affordable housing, shared teaching space, and improving hospital and university services and facilities.

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Region: London

Theme: Regeneration

The challenge

  • To bring together four landowning public sector organisations with different aims and governance structures
  • To unite around common themes and make Northwick Park a landmark destination 
  • To  deliver  receipts, reduce running costs and generate revenue streams
  • To improve service delivery, unlock land for development, create jobs and deliver new homes as envisioned in the North West Local Plan.

The story

One Public Estate (OPE) has awarded over £500,000 to the Brent Partnership’s Northwick Park project over three funding rounds. Funding covered master planning, feasibility and infrastructure and other studies.

The vision is for the four partners, the London Borough of Brent, London North West University Healthcare NHS Trust, The University of Westminster and Network Homes Ltd to work together to create an ambitious and ground-breaking strategy for the Northwick Park estate.

The project will bring in other stakeholders, such as Transport for London, Network Rail, The London Borough of Harrow and The Greater London Authority.

The four partners have executed a Memorandum of Understanding, setting out the principles of joint working and governance whilst refining the individual and common aims of the partners.

OPE Brent case study photo with plot outline

L.B. Brent were successful in a bid for £9.9m Housing Infrastructure Funding (HIF) for the project, to support the delivery of infrastructure needed to bring forward the development. A land transfer has taken place between Network Homes Ltd and the Hospital Trust, realising a capital receipt for the Trust. Discussions on further land swaps to facilitate the development are taking place.


OPE Brent case study graphic image


Consultants have now been commissioned using OPE funding to develop the masterplan and infrastructure proposals and the partnership will be taking the following steps to progress the project:

  • embarking on a full public consultation exercise
  • developing a collaboration agreement and infrastructure agreement, to set out the contractual framework for the delivery of the project
  • continuing work on developing a masterplan to facilitate the phased delivery of proposals, reflecting differing partner requirements
  • supporting consultants developing the transport, highway and infrastructure proposals
  • submitting a planning application for the entire site later this year. 
“The initial OPE funding enabled ideas to be developed and proposals tested to enable individual partners to see the tangible benefits of joint working.”

Nick Ljustina, Operational Director of Property and Assets, London Borough of Brent.

The outcomes

Northwick Park is forecast to deliver the following outcomes over the next 10 years:

  • £35.7m capital receipts
  • £55k in revenue savings
  • Land released for new homes
  • Creation of 250 jobs

The transformation of the estate will enable better service delivery, integration of services and facilities, such as parking, joint use of teaching facilities and joint sports and social facilities.  It will also be a catalyst for private sector investment in the area.

For further information please contact our Regional Programme Managers for London