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Example of a Resident's Charter: Sheffield City Council

Sheffield City Council wants to make the regeneration of the estates at Scowerdons, Weakland and Newstead (SWaN) as successful as possible. We know that this will be a long and complicated process that will cause some level of disturbance for everyone affected. We will work hard to minimise the disruption wherever possible.

To help you to make the best choice for yourself we will:

  • make sure that there is a range of new homes, so that you can choose whether to rent or buy a new home
  • make sure there is a range of new homes of different types and sizes so that we can try and meet current individual needs and those of the future community
  • ask you where you want to live and what type of home you want and try to match these with the new homes
  • offer you another property for which you are eligible if you want to rent from the council on another estate
  • ringfence named, nearby estates so that people who want to move away into another council home have the first choice on houses that become vacant
  • nominate you to a new home for sale on the estate - however, we can only do this if you can afford the property
  • give advice on which tenure may be best for you
  • make sure that a new home is available for existing residents who wish to return to SWaN

To make the move as easy for you as possible we will:

  • try and keep disruption to a minimum throughout the regeneration process and help to find you assistance during removals, if you need it. If you have to move twice we will pay your removal costs both times
  • compensate you as detailed in the leaflet ‘On the Move Your Rights' (written for tenants and owner-occupiers and available from the Area Housing Office)
  • freeze rents at June 2004 level
  • work with the Education Service to minimise disruption to schooling

To maintain the estate throughout the works we will:

  • continue to repair and maintain council houses throughout the regeneration process, including external painting
  • ensure that vacant council houses are kept as safe and secure as possible
  • keep the estates clean and tidy, with a designated team of Estate Officers
  • continue to enforce the tenancy conditions and take action against anti social behaviour

We are committed to involving the Community in the planning of the new estate. We will:

  • try and include community facilities where needed and design safe neighbourhoods, involving the community in aspects of design planning
  • produce regular newsletters for all residents and stakeholders
  • hold regular meetings with the Steering Group (including resident representatives and stakeholders)