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Case studies

Innovation in local government is about improving the lives of the people in our communities. Browse through our case studies to see the many innovative programmes councils are involved in.

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Hampshire County Council: public health transformation six years on

This case study shows the excellent work that public health in local government is doing to commission for quality and best value across all areas.

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Working with young fathers

In Salford and Gateshead, projects have been run to support young fathers and help them deal with the challenges they face. This case study is an example of the work that councils are doing to support young parents.

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Cornwall: helping the most in need

Cornwall Council has commissioned a service to work with all young parents. For those with the most complex needs, such as those with a history of domestic abuse and child protection issues, there is a range of bespoke support available. This case study is an example of the work that councils are doing to support young parents.

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St Helens People’s Board

In 2016, partners in St Helens realised they had to do something radically different to tackle growing costs and demand and make the best use of available resources. They undertook development sessions with the LGA and others, and decided to implement an ambitious and rapid programme of transformation. This case study forms part of our integrated care system (ICS) resource.

Experiences of employment and skills devolution: Liverpool City Region

The City Region argues that devolution has allowed it to move away from policy silos and address interconnected problems in a far more joined up way, for example Households into Work having an impact on social housing strategy.

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Walsall Council's experience of cumulative Equality Impact Assessment

An example of how a council significantly improved its equality impact assessment processes.

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Cumbria County Council: Reaching and supporting the most vulnerable during the COVID-19 pandemic

The pandemic brought an urgent need to provide support and assistance to families and individuals struggling with a wide range of issues across Cumbria County Council’s 2,613 square miles. To date, more than 27,000 residents have been supported by the council’s COVID-19 emergency helpline.

View allAdult social care articles

Multi-Agency Safeguarding Tracker

The Multi-Agency Safeguarding Tracker creates a data driven digital approach enabling information from multiple safeguarding bodies to be easily and securely shared, matched and anonymised. By limiting access to the necessary information to only authorised parties, this approach sits squarely within the GDPR regulations and wider requirements as demanded by the Data Protection Act 2018.

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Bradford: Staying Put

Staying Put has continued to ensure as far as possible the safety of women experiencing domestic abuse in the Bradford area

Wandsworth Borough Council: Strengthening Families, Strengthening Communities

Strengthening Families, Strengthening Communities (SFSC) is an inclusive evidence-based parenting programme, designed to promote protective factors which are associated with good parenting and better outcomes for children.