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Case studies

Innovation in local government is about improving the lives of the people in our communities. Browse through our case studies to see the many innovative programmes councils are involved in.

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Homes for NHS staff - Finchley

To address the affordable housing issue for staff, the Department for Health and Social Care (DHSC), One Public Estate, The London Estates Delivery Unit (LEDU) and the Greater London Authority developed the Homes for NHS Staff toolkit.

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Cumbria Chief Executives Group: Carlisle Sands

The co-location of health and leisure services in Carlisle and roll out of an integrated service across the county.

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Applying behavioural insights to increase awareness and demand for sheltered housing

This research was used to develop communications to re-frame sheltered housing and to promote residents to ‘downsize’ into smaller properties. These were to be sent to council residents and evaluated using a Randomised Controlled Trial.

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Creating a new residential and community heart for Stocking Farm, Leicester

In Leicester, the One Public Estate programme worked with the local authority to unlock a run-down council-owned site for housing which will help regenerate one of the most deprived wards in the country.

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Liverpool City Region One Public Estate Board: Allerton Police & Fire Station

Redeveloping the historic Allerton Road Fire and Police Station to deliver 47 new homes focused on affordability and shared ownership in South Liverpool.

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Relocatable modular homes in Dorset for Adult Social Care clients

A growing demand for appropriate accommodation for adults with social care needs – along with a lack of suitable properties – led Dorset Council to use land which is destined for regeneration to create temporary, adaptable, and moveable homes for local residents.

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Delivering modern services for local people in Brent

The Brent Partnership brings together four partners, with the aim of delivering private and affordable housing, sharing teaching space, and improving hospital and university services and facilities.

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Effective delivery of strategic sites: Devon

The current East Devon Local Plan (adopted January 2016) defined the current extent and subsequent guidance for the new community and its expansion is set out in the Cranbrook DPD, the subject of an ongoing examination.   

Effective delivery of strategic sites: Peterborough

The Core Strategy included a single criteria-based one-page policy (CS5) for the two urban extensions, cross referring to other district-wide policy requirements and without any plans other than the proposals map which showed the site boundary.

Effective delivery of strategic sites: Knowsley

Akin to many of the councils in the Merseyside area, Knowsley’s urban area is constrained by Green Belt at its edges.