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Case studies

Innovation in local government is about improving the lives of the people in our communities. Browse through our case studies to see the many innovative programmes councils are involved in.

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London Borough of Camden: a multi-agency RSE working group

A relationships education, relationships and sex education (RSE) working group was established in late 2017. It has been meeting termly, providing a forum for information sharing, discussion and advice on the support to schools to get ready for the changes. This case study is an example of the many pro-active and positive approaches which local authorities are taking to support inclusive RSE.

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Leeds City Council: plan for both RSE and health education

With the introduction of statutory relationships education, relationships and sex education (RSE) on the horizon, the council decided to organise a series of one-day events. This case study is an example of the many pro-active and positive approaches which local authorities are taking to support inclusive RSE.

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Northumberland County Council: the art of good communication

The council set up an online relationships education, relationships and sex education (RSE) portal to provide resources and quality assured information to teachers and parents. This case study is an example of the many pro-active and positive approaches which local authorities are taking to support inclusive RSE.

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Nottingham City Council: diffusing tension

The introduction of statutory relationships education, relationships and sex education (RSE) can be contentious. The city council took on all the media handling for the school, allowing the head teacher to concentrate on communicating with parents and pupils. This case study is an example of the many pro-active and positive approaches which local authorities are taking to support inclusive RSE.

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Leicestershire City Council: developing expert teachers

Leicestershire County Council has invested in training teachers and school leaders in how to provide high quality relationships education, relationships and sex education (RSE). This case study is an example of the many pro-active and positive approaches which local authorities are taking to support inclusive RSE.

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Shropshire Council: supporting schools to be LGBT inclusive

Strategic support for the work has been established and strong partnership working is in place with the voluntary sector. During 2016/17 schools in Shropshire received training on LGBT-inclusive RSE delivered by the Sex Education Forum funded by the Government’s Equalities Unit. This case study is an example of the many pro-active and positive approaches which local authorities are taking to support inclusive RSE.

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No child left behind: Cheltenham Borough Council’s year of action

To raise awareness about child poverty, Cheltenham Borough Council coordinated a year of action together with local charities and businesses.

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Increasing children’s resilience to mental health issues

Maldon District Council worked on a prototype project to understand the support requirements for school children transitioning from year 6 to year 7. The aim of the project was to identify children who may be going under the radar with unaddressed mental health concerns and would require support in transitioning from primary to secondary school.

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Special Educational Needs and Disabilities, Behaviour Change across the system of support: Suffolk County Council

The 2015 Care Act and 2014 Children and Families Act gave young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities more rights to support and for longer. Whilst being a much needed and well received pieces of progressive legislation, they presented severe problems in a system primarily driven by resource limitations.

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Healthy Child Programme during COVID-19

Over the last six months these teams have come up with new ways of supporting families during a pandemic. These case studies highlight the vital role that health visiting and school nurse services play in identifying problems early and giving children the best start in life.

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