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Community safety - FGM resource - Additional documents and resources

Government's FGM resource pack 

BAWSO delivers specialist services across Wales to people from black and ethnic minority backgrounds who are affected by domestic abuse and other forms of abuse, including FGM.

Black Women's Health and Family Support works to promoting the eradication of FGM, within the overall context of black women's health.

British Arab Federation

Daughters of Eve is a non-profit organisation that works to protect girls and young women at risk from FGM, including through awareness-raising and sign-posting support services.

The FGM National Clinical Group is a registered charity dedicated to working with women who have been affected by FGM and other related difficulties. As a multi-disciplinary group of healthcare professionals, advisors and academia, they work to support those at risk of FGM through coordinated clinical networks and research.

FORWARD: The Foundation for Women's Health, Research and Development campaigns against FGM. FORWARD has also been involved in community development programmes and research, as well as carrying out training on FGM for professionals.

Imkaan is a UK-based, black feminist organisation dedicated to addressing violence against women and girls.

National Domestic Violence Helpline

The Freephone 24 Hour National Domestic Violence Helpline (0808 2000 247), run in partnership between Women's Aid and Refuge, provides a national service for women experiencing domestic violence and those calling on their behalf.

The NSPCC launched an FGM Helpline (0800 028 3550) with trained counsellors available all day, 7 days a week for anyone who needs advice, information or support about FGM, including.  those who've undergone FGM, those at risk, or for professionals looking for further information.

REPLACE 2 aims to improve the well-being of individuals and communities affected by FGM in the EU, with the direct beneficiaries of the project being young girls and women at risk of FGM. The project involves capacity building and knowledge transfer so that all partner organisations and communities involved can acquire new skills to address FGM using the REPLACE Behaviour Change Framework.


The British Arab Federation FATWA on FGM has produced a fatwa on FGM, urging Muslims in Britain to speak with one voice loud and clear against FGM and denounce it as both non Islamic and a crime.

Faith and belief in partnership – Effective collaboration with local government: In 2012 the LGA conducted research primarily aimed at councils and faith and belief groups with an interest in working together, but also of relevance to voluntary and community sector organisations and other statutory partners. Ensuring that you can engage effectively with these groups is essential to promoting the long-term abandonment of FGM.


This guidance outlines what NHS staff are expected to do as part of the new requirements set out in the FGM enhanced dataset Understanding the FGM enhanced dataset: updated guidance and clarification to support implementation

FaithAction is a national network of faith-based and community organisations involved in social action and delivering public services.