The LGA’s report Housing our homeless households responds to rising concern amongst local authorities about the increasing homelessness pressures being faced across the country.
Housing our homeless households explores the increasing demand for temporary accommodation, and the innovations that a number of councils are pursuing to respond to this increasing demand, with recommendations and tools for other councils to replicate activity in their areas. The project also explores reforms that the Government can make to better help councils to support homeless households.
The final report Housing our homeless households is available below.
The additional resources are also available online, to help councils replicate practice in their own areas. This includes practical information, such as guides, policies, templates and agreements used by councils featured in the report, to:
- establish leasing schemes with private and housing association landlords
- develop strategies for working with private landlords and letting agents
- focus on prevention when working well with homeless households
- use allocation policies and supported housing
- acquire, convert and build new property for use as temporary accommodation (including modular construction)
- collaborate with other councils across areas.
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