Resetting the relationship between local and national government. Read our Local Government White Paper

Improving schools: Moving the conversation on

Every child deserves a good school place, but that isn’t currently available to everyone. Government rules ban councils and council-maintained schools from helping academies and free schools improve. But given their excellent track record in maintaining high educational standards and in turning around failing schools, councils need to be recognised as effective education improvement partners, ready and able to support schools of all types.

View allEducation and schools articles

This paper is the very start of our campaign ahead of the Spending Review. We have published a series of papers, commissioned by LGA boards, which start the new thinking around building the case for long term, sustained investment in local government as well as laying out the positive outcomes this would deliver for the country. You can also find papers regarding:  

local government funding

housing, planning and homelessness


the future of non-metropolitan England

a sustainable adult social care and support system for the long term.

Over the coming months, we will be seeking your thoughts and evidence to further strengthen the rallying call to Government.