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Officer peer briefing: Introducing the sector support offer for local authorities

On Friday 17 May 2024 the Local Government Association (LGA) held a virtual event for LGA officer peers introducing the ‘Sector support offer for local authorities 2024/25’, the ‘Improvement and assurance framework’ and strengthened Corporate Peer Challenge.

The session provided an update on the LGA’s sector support programme for officer peers. LGA Chief Executive Joanna Killian opened the session by extending a huge thank you to LGA peers and the time they give to supporting councils through sector-led improvement. 

Dennis Skinner, LGA Director of Improvement, then provided an overview of the LGA’s 'Sector support offer for 2024/25' which provides local authorities with vital tools and support to deliver critical services to communities while helping drive change and improvement.

The session also heard from Heather Wills, LGA Principal Adviser for Finance and Governance, about our work to map the 'Improvement and assurance framework for local government' and to develop guidance and support to understand and use it.

And finally, Gary Hughes, Programme Manager and Cindy Lowthian, Senior Regional Adviser, talked through the strengthened Corporate Peer Challenge and what this will mean for peers.

Watch a recording of the event  

View the event presentations

Event Q&As

The session included an opportunity to ask questions via the Zoom Q&A function, allowing attendees to engage in the session and pose questions.

A summary of some of the key questions asked, alongside answers, is outlined below.

Sector Support offer 

Improvement and Assurance framework for local government

Strengthened Corporate Peer Challenge (CPC)