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Limiting the use of central heating while home working

Looking at ways in which central heating use can be limited while home working

  • What behaviour are you trying to change? e.g limiting use of central heating to three hours a day, rather than having it on for the whole eight hours

  • Whose behaviour are you trying to change? e.g homeworkers

  • Where are you trying to change the behaviour? e.g at the property in which they live and work

  • When are you trying to change the behaviour? e.g during the day when working

  • How often are you trying to change the behaviour? e.g each weekday

What are the drivers to change/barriers to limiting the use of central heating?

Do your communities have the capability to work from home in a green way? Psychological capability

Do homeworkers know how long, and at what temperature, they need their heating on for it to heat up their property? Can residents (who do not have a timer on their central heating) remember to turn it off at a certain time? Do homeworkers pay attention to how cold or hot it is and react to turn the heating on or off depending on the temperature? Do homeworkers need to negotiate with those whom they live with as to how cold or hot it is? Has the homeworker set a timer or action plan as to when the heating should be turned on or off?

Do your communities have the capability to work from home in a green way? Physical capability Assumed that homeworkers have the physical capability
Do your communities have the opportunity to work from home in a green way? Physical opportunity

Do residents have a timer on their central heating to ensure that it is only on for a limited period of time during the colder months? If there is no timer on the central heating, do they have a phone or similar device to set a reminder to turn the heating off? Do homeworkers use all available clothing e.g jumpers, layers, socks and shoes, before turning on the heating?

Do your communities have the opportunity to work from home in a green way? Social opportunity

For those that live with others:

Do others in the home turn the central heating on, or do they prefer it on less? What do they actually do? Do others in the home judge homeworkers for their actions when it comes to turning the central heating on? Do others support or encourage their actions when turning the heating on or off? Who has the power/decision making responsibility in the household? Do others observe what you are doing?

Do your communities have the motivation to work from home in a green way? Automatic motivation

Do they turn the heating on every morning/lunchtime/evening on autopilot? Is it a habit to turn the heating on or off at a certain time of day in the colder months? Do they fear that their pipes will freeze? Are they very cold and therefore turn it on without thinking of an energy saving alternative?

Do your communities have the motivation to work from home in a green way?

Reflective motivation Do they believe that the heating should be on or off all the time? Do they believe that you should sparingly use the heating to save on energy and bills? Do they value the environment and a reduction in carbon emissions over matters of their own comfort? Do they plan to turn the heating on or off at a certain time of day?


What interventions could you use?


  • Let residents know how they can install a smart meter (psychological capabilities)
  • Find out from a smart meter how much energy you are using and how much money you are spending (Reflective motivation)


  • Use words and images to create negative feelings about turning on the heating (e.g wasteful, not eco-friendly, etc.) and positive feelings about putting on a jumper (cosy, comfy, savvy, etc) (Automatic motivation)


  • A smart meter will highlight how much money it costs to have central heating on for eight hours compared to three. The saved amount of money could be spent on something else! (Reflective motivation)

Environmental restructuring

  • Place a smart meter in a prominent place like the desk/workstation to remind the resident of how much energy they are using and the cost of it (Physical opportunity)


  • Create online campaign showing a local leader or celebrity using a smart meter (Social opportunity)


  • Provide a link to energy suppliers to signpost a resident to install a smart meter (Physical opportunity)