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Targeting non-registered groups

The primary route of contacting residents for vaccinations is through GP registrations.

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There could be populations in your region who are not registered. This could be for a range of reasons including moving house, complex immigration situations, being homeless, or transient working.

Ensuring these groups can access vaccines and that they are communicated with will help reduce transmission rates.

Two routes forward

We see two routes to how councils could support identifying and engaging with these groups.

  • 1. Data led interventions - sharing and matching resident and PHE data. Matching council resident data with GP registrations can help identify discrepancies. This data could then be used to target residents to help either update their records, register with GPs or obtain vaccines. If a definitive list was arranged, communications could be developed based on 2. behavioural principles or even incentivising residents to obtain a vaccine. 
  • 2. Reducing barriers to vaccines - such as registration or attending clinics. Bringing vaccine provision to transient groups, or within settings where people congregate could equally increase the vaccine take up. These would need to be located in specific locations and be championed by trusted local messengers.