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Changes in political leadership

Information for councils facing change of control, no overall control and changes in leadership.

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Local government elections can result in some new political arrangements, including changes of control, no overall control or changes to councils’ portfolio holders and leaders.

We provide our member councils with tools and resources support them throughout this period of change – including guidance focusing on:

  • pre-election scenario planning
  • the immediate post-election period
  • support for the longer term.

Every council will respond in their own way and in the context of their own local situation but it can also be helpful to learn from the experiences of others.

We continue to talk to a range of leaders and chief executives whose councils have experienced changes in leadership. Their lessons inform our guidance, which we hope you will find useful.

We also offer range of post elections support to help smooth political transitions and ensure that councillors and council officers have access to resources and support to deliver effectively in their roles. This support is provided by through our regional support teams and expert councillor and officer peers and includes:

  • bespoke support and advice tailored to councillor and officer support needs across areas – including governance, organisational leadership and more
  • mentoring by expert peers, providing councillors and officers support to carry out their roles
  • top team development for senior political leadership teams, to enhance decision-making and leadership capacity
  • officer and / or councillor development sessions including induction events for new councillors
  • mediation to address challenges in relationships between senior councillors and / or council officers
  • a peer network for chief executives who experienced a change in political leadership following the May elections – please email [email protected] for further information about this element of support.

Please contact the LGA principal adviser for your region to discuss your support needs.