Resetting the relationship between local and national government. Read our Local Government White Paper

Behaving commercially

We need to improve public service commissioning to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of government. This means improving the skills of public sector leaders so their teams can design service provision, influence external parties, and shape and manage markets to get the best outcomes.

Dynamic Procurement Systems

Read our guidance which aims to set out practical advice on what to consider when deciding on whether to use a Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) and what to consider when implementing and running such a system.

DPS guidance final 

Public Contracts Regulations 2015

Sustainable procurement: how to use Most Economically Advantageous Tender (MEAT) award criteria under Public Procurement Directives 2014

Read the presentation from the European Commission

Delivering savings: better outcomes and growth

Using the new EU procurement rules – a guide for councillors and senior managers

This guide provides a briefing for councillors and senior managers on some recent changes to the public procurement rules (the ‘EU rules') which will help councils and their partners respond boldly to the challenges which lie ahead.

Download the guide

Information about the new EU directives, or to book onto a face to face or e-learning course

Transposing EU procurement directives – website.

Taking a commercial approach case studies

Suffolk County Council has realised its ambition to take a more commercial approach. With the aims of being:

  • a smaller and more effective Council
  • putting a much greater emphasis on commissioning and have much lower levels of direct service provision
  • improving services whilst spending less money.

Find out more about Suffolk County Council's commercial approach


Find out about Nottingham City Council's innovative approach to commercialisation 


The Institute for Government and Spend Network recently carried out some research to look at published transaction data (over £500 for local authorities) to work out which private companies received most government spend. LGA and NAG are in the process of analysing the spend in relation to local government in order to inform a national conversation with our biggest suppliers.

PDF on the Institute for Government and Spend Network website