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The LGA Public Health and Prevention team provide improvement support based around public health/ prevention/population based health improvement support closely linked to LGA policy. The work is funded by DHSC via the Care and Health Improvement Programme, and free to Local Authorities at the point of delivery.
Our support
Our offer is based on; knowing what works, reflections from our direct support work DsPH and public health teams, work with partners and aligned with LGA Community Wellbeing Board priorities.
We support Local Authorities in their work to address the wider determinants of health using improvement approaches such as;
- supporting and access to shared learning ; resources, case studies, networks, communities of practice/improvement
- peer review/peer support – focused work by a team of peers/associates scoped with the local authority/partners/system
- LGA partnership on a bespoke piece of work with the Local Authority.
Health in all Policies (HiaP) support
Support is available to Local authorities to embed a HiAP approach. This will be tailored to the outcomes the Local Authority is aiming to achieve. Public Health teams and others interested in embedding health on a non-health agenda should refer to Health in all policies: a manual for local government
Also available is the Councillor workbook: Health in All Policies and COVID-19 is designed to prompt reflection, insight and to identify actions to improve practice and support your work in adapting your approach to population health and the council’s public health resource in the context of COVID-19.
Prevention Matters
The LGA has developed a one day training workshop to enable elected members to champion health improvement and prevention in their communities.
Bespoke Support
Please get in touch to hear how we are able to support you. Our bespoke support ranges from support to utilise frameworks, toolkits, and self-assessments; evaluation where independent expertise would be beneficial; facilitated workshops; continuous professional development; work on a regional scale; mentoring support and more.
To find out how the LGA can support you with embedding a HiAP approach, running a Prevention Matters training course, or to discuss a bespoke offer to support with your local requirements, please contact [email protected]
System wide health and care peer challenge
We are currently looking to develop a virtual and remote offer for peer challenge, aligning closely with the developments in the LGA for peer challenge. We are also developing a Health Inequalities Peer Challenge.
For further information please contact: [email protected]
Past presentations
- Working with the voluntary and community sector to support communities, 15 July 2020
- Tackling obesity during the COVID-19 pandemic, 20 July 2020
Public health
Featured pages

Shaping Places for Healthier Lives
The Health Foundation and Local Government Association launched a new grant programme in 2020 called Shaping Places for Healthier Lives. The programme application process, the background about the programme and supporting materials for councils can be found here.

Suicide prevention improvement programme
In collaboration with The Association of Directors of Public Health (ADPH) and the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC), the LGA delivered a sector led improvement programme for suicide prevention.