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Appendix A/B - Combined NEOST and Employer Link subscriber results - September 2023


Q4 Broadly speaking, do you welcome these recommendations for the 23/24 teachers’ pay award
Yes  71 responses (89%)
No 3 responses (4%)
Don’t Know 6 responses (7%)


Q5 This pay award assumes a 6.5% increase to the teacher pay bill, with an estimated 3% additional funding from DfE. Is this largely manageable within existing budgets for the majority of your schools?
Yes  40 responses (50%)
No 36 responses (45%)
Don’t Know 4 responses (5%)


Q6 How will your schools manage the cost of this pay award? Please indicate which of the following scenarios most closely applies? (Answer with the majority of schools represented in mind.)
Schools budgeted for this scenario, so is manageable 10 responses (13%)
Some reasonable adjustments to existing budgets required (without impacting curriculum/services jobs) 35 responses (44%) 
Significant adjustments to budgets are required, which may impact existing curriculum/services/jobs. 34 responses (43%)
Left Blank 1 response (2%)


Q7 s available for individual schools facing the most difficult financial services.
Yes – most of our schools 6 responses (8%)
Yes – a significant number of schools 14 responses (18%)
Yes – a few schools 32 responses (40%)
No, none of our schools 13 responses (16%)
Don’t know 15 responses (19%)


Q8 Notwithstanding affordability challenges, will this anticipated pay award for experienced teachers and leaders support better retention rates within schools?
Yes  20 responses (25%)
No 18 responses (22%)
Don’t Know 42 responses (53%)


Q9 What will be the impact of all funding demands so taking into account the teachers’ pay award, the potential support staff pay award (adding £1925 or 3.88% for points above the NJC pay spine if agreed), predicted rates of inflation e.g. energy and food costs, etc – what is the average projected affordability gap for your schools.
0% 11 responses (13%)
0.1 – 1% 10 responses (12%)
1.1 – 2% 5 responses (6%)
2.1 – 3% 8 responses (9%)
3.1 – 4% 9 responses (10%)
4.1 – 5% 16 responses (19%)
More than 5% 24 responses (28%)
Don’t know 3 responses (3%)


Q10 Within your area, which types of schools, do you think are likely to have the biggest challenge (financially) in implementing this pay award?
  1 2 3 4 5
Primary schools 30 responses  (41%) 26 responses  (36%) 9 responses  (12%) 8 responses
0 responses
Secondary schools 6 responses  (8%) 10 responses  (14%) 24 responses  (32%) 16 responses
18 responses
Special schools 16 responses  (26%) 11 responses  (18%) 18 responses  (29%) 11 responses
6 responses
PRUs 5 responses  (9%) 10 responses  (18%) 8 responses  (15%) 10 responses
22 responses
Smaller schools 38 responses  (61%) 16 responses  (26%) 5 responses  (8%) 2 responses
1 responses
Other e.g Middle Schools 6 responses  (16%) 3 responses  (8%) 6 responses  (16%) 6 responses
16 responses


Q10. Rank them in order with 1 likely to have the biggest challenge.

Q11 Within your area, which geographical locations, do you think are likely to have the biggest challenge (financially) in implementing this pay award?
  1 2 3 4 5
Coastal Towns 6 responses (21%) 8 responses (29%) 10 responses (36%) 2 responses (7%) 2 responses (7%)
Rural Schools 25 responses (61%) 10 responses (25%) 5 responses (12%) 1 response (2%) 0 responses (0%)
Inner City Provision 8 responses (19%) 10 responses (24%) 9 responses (21%) 12 responses (29%) 3 responses (7%)
Areas of Deprivation 28 responses (46%) 19 responses (31%) 9 responses (15%) 5 responses (8%) 0 responses (0%)
Other 4 responses (13%) 7 responses (22%) 3 responses (9%) 5 responses (16%) 13 responses (41%)


Q12  Do you consider that the lower increase to M1 in London and the Fringe area will have a negative impact over the longer term?
Yes  7 responses (9%)
No 6 responses (7%)
Don’t know 10 responses (13%)
N/A – not a London/Fringe area employer 56 responses (70%)
Left Blank 1 response (1%)

Further information

Q13. Is there any other financial data, or comments you wish to share

This information if shared, may, in some cases, identify the employer, therefore, we have taken it into account in the NEOST written response but not published this data.  

Further information and appendices