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LGPS training and events

We offer a range of LGPS training and events including:

  • an annual LGPS governance conference – aimed at elected members and others who attend pension committees and local pension boards e.g. employer representatives, trade union and other member representatives, as well as officers.
  • fundamentals training – an A-Z bespoke LGPS training course aimed at elected members and others who attend pension committees and local pension boards. The course runs from October to December each year, in three different locations. It provides members of pension committees and local pension boards with the knowledge and skills to enable them to carry out their duties effectively.
  • LGPS employer and pension practitioner training – The training programme is set each year based on the demand for training on particular topics. It is delivered virtually and in person. Places are usually limited to between 15 and 18 delegates per session. 

See LGA events page for details of the current training and events on offer. To enquire about future training and events email [email protected].