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Debate on the Local Government Finance Settlement 2017/18 | House of Commons, Wednesday 22 February 2017

It is hugely disappointing that this settlement has confirmed that government will not provide any new funding for councils in 2017/18.

Key Messages

  • It is hugely disappointing that this settlement has confirmed that government will not provide any new funding for councils in 2017/18. Local government still faces a challenging overall funding gap of £5.8 billion by 2019/20. Within this funding gap the cost pressures associated with homelessness and temporary accommodation, and children's and adult social care, are particularly acute. Any further government funding cuts will result in local authorities having to make significant reductions to the local services communities rely on. After this week's announcement we will continue to press the Government to take urgent action to find new funding for councils in the March Budget.

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Debate on the Local Government Finance Settlement 2017/18, House of Commons, Wednesday 22 February 2017