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LGA submission to the Work and Pensions Select Committee inquiry into Jobcentre Plus

Steps taken by the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) to influence the design of Jobcentre Plus (JCP) and co-design the Work and Health Programme with local areas are positive. However we are calling on the DWP to take a holistic approach to all employment services, and ensure funding for these services is devolved to all areas across England.

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Councils work together with businesses and local partners to anticipate and respond to the labour market and identify the skills needed for local employment opportunities. We are the only public sector organisation able to pro-actively advance local economic growth as well as help residents overcome complex barriers into jobs.

Greater Manchester’s Working Well, London’s Working Capital and Suffolk’s MyGo are good examples of employment initiatives designed to help those who have struggled to find work, through more integrated and intensive support. These schemes demonstrate the ambition and capability of councils to co-ordinate employment and support schemes for their residents when powers and funding are devolved locally.

Steps taken by the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) to influence the design of Jobcentre Plus (JCP) and co-design the Work and Health Programme with local areas are positive. However we are calling on the DWP to take a holistic approach to all employment services, and ensure funding for these services is devolved to all areas across England.

Read the full submission: