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Local democracy in the UK | House of Lords

Devolution within England is the most effective way to create jobs, build homes, strengthen healthy communities and protect the vulnerable.

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Key messages

Devolution within England is the most effective way to create jobs, build homes, strengthen communities, and protect the vulnerable in all parts of the country. There should be a presumption that power is transferred to the level of government closest to the people, unless it can be demonstrated that the activity being delivered nationally will result in better outcomes.

In September 2015 the Government received 38 devolution bids from cities, towns and counties across the UK. The benefits of devolution must be available to all areas, including county and district councils. As yet no deal has been agreed with a two-tier area.

The Government has responded to our calls for substantial changes to the way local government is funded. However, there are still significant challenges ahead for councils. Having already made £20 billion worth of savings since 2010, there is limited scope for councils to keep protecting services by making further efficiency savings.

A vibrant local democracy depends on the diversity of its elected representatives. The LGA's cross-party Be a Councillor programme helps to encourage different kinds of people to stand for election so that the electorate get a choice of quality candidates.

A wider convention on the constitutional settlement is needed to ensure communities have confidence that the power to make decisions that affect their lives rests with the people who live and work among them.  This does not need delay progress of legislation currently before Parliament or the devolution deals.