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Briefings and responses

On behalf of its membership, the cross-party LGA regularly submits to Government consultations, briefs parliamentarians and responds to a wide range of parliamentary inquiries. Our recent responses to government consultations and parliamentary briefings can be found here.

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The effect of leaving the European Union on the UK's health and social care sector, House of Commons, 19 March 2019

As the UK leaves the European Union, it is important that any future relationship with the EU explicitly meets the needs of the UK health and care sector.

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Health and local public health cuts, House of Commons, 14 May 2019

Despite councils’ good work, the current funding model is not sustainable. Local authorities’ public health grant funding has reduced by over £700 million in real terms between 2015/16 and 2019/20.

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Protecting children from harmful vehicle emissions, House of Lords, 11 June 2019

"If the Government’s air quality plans and any new local powers are to be successful, they need to be underpinned by local flexibility and sufficient funding which needs to be addressed in the Spending Review. "

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House of Commons Debate on active travel 9 July 2019

Councils support active travel. Getting people to use more active travel will improve congestion, air quality and obesity rates, which in turn have substantial benefits such as for local economies, education and taxpayers.

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The reduction in the number of health visitors in England, House of Commons, 23 October 2019

The LGA has offered to work with the Department of Health and Social Care, the NHS and Health Education England to get the right number of training places commissioned and to deliver policies to ensure health visiting remains an attractive and valued career.

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Opposition Day Debate: Health Inequalities, House of Commons, 4 March 2020

Sustainable, long-term investment in councils’ public health services is needed if we are to reverse reductions in life expectancy and tackle health inequalities across the country.

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Coronavirus Bill

Download the LGA's briefing on the Coronavirus BIll.

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COVID-19: local government regulation and enforcement, September 2020

While these powers are a welcome addition to the tools that councils have to tackle local outbreaks, and some councils have issued directions, there are also some challenges in using the directions. The regulations include the threshold of a serious and imminent threat to public health before a direction can be issued, and there is a need to consult with both the local Director of Public Health and to inform the Secretary of State for Health. This threshold has had the effect of deterring councils in areas where there has not to date been a significant rise in infections from issuing directions, in the belief that they do not meet the test of a serious and imminent threat to public health.

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Adult Social Care Coronavirus Winter Plan 2020-21: briefing and gap analysis for councils

This briefing summarises the key messages in the Adult Social Care Winter Plan (published by DHSC on 18 September 2020) and sets out the key actions for local authorities in a format that allows colleagues to clearly identify gaps.

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Opposition Day Debate: Local contact tracing, House of Commons, 14 October 2020

The most recent test and trace figures prove again that councils’ public health teams, with their unique expertise and understanding of their communities, have more success in reaching complex close contacts of positive cases, where NHS Test and Trace has been unable to do so.

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