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Briefings and responses

On behalf of its membership, the cross-party LGA regularly submits to Government consultations, briefs parliamentarians and responds to a wide range of parliamentary inquiries. Our recent responses to government consultations and parliamentary briefings can be found here.

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Debate on the economy in light of the Spring Statement, House of Lords, 20 March 2019

Local authorities will face an overall funding gap of £3.1 billion in 2019/20, which we estimate will rise to £8 billion by 2024/25. The pressures are particularly acute in adult social care, children’s services and homelessness support.

Motion relating to the Local Government Finance Report 2019/20, House of Commons debate, 5 February 2019

Councils are central to building communities that are inclusive, cohesive and promote people’s life chances.

Debate on the ability of local authorities to deliver essential services, House of Lords, 24 January 2019

Councils are uniquely placed to build communities that are inclusive, cohesive and promote people’s life chances. They do this by tailoring more than 800 local services to the needs of their residents, to meet local and national challenges.

LGA briefing: Debate on local government funding, House of Commons, Tuesday 15 January 2019

Between 2010 and 2020, councils will have lost almost 60p in every £1 of central government funding. This has created an unsustainable gap in council funding that is having a significant impact on the services which local authorities deliver in their communities.

The 2019/20 Provisional Local Government Finance Settlement - response

The Local Government Association is here to support, promote and improve local government. We will fight local government's corner and support councils through challenging times by making the case for greater devolution, helping councils tackle their challenges and assisting them to deliver better value for money services.

Response to the consultation on 2019/20 scale of audit

The LGA welcomes the opportunity to respond to this consultation on the level of audit fees. The consultation proposes that the 2019/20 scale audit fees and indicative certification fees are set at the same level as the scale fees applicable for 2018/19.

Provisional Local Government Finance Settlement 2019/20 – On the Day Briefing

On 13 December the Government announced the Provisional Local Government Finance Settlement for 2019/20.

Budget 2018 - LGA briefing, 30 October 2018

The Chancellor’s Budget, delivered on Monday 29 October, provided a formal update on the state of the economy, responded to the new economic and fiscal forecast from the Office for Budget Responsibility and announced the Government’s fiscal measures.

Budget 2018 - summary

The Chancellor, Rt Hon Philip Hammond MP, delivered the 2018 Budget on 29 October. There were a number of tax and spending announcements of relevance to local government, and the Chancellor outlined the trajectory of overall public spending for the 2019 Spending Review.  

2019-20 technical settlement consultation response

The LGA is here to support, promote and improve local government. We will fight local government's corner and support councils through challenging times by making the case for greater devolution, helping councils tackle their challenges and assisting them to deliver better value for money services.

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